
Surina King


 どのくらいさかのぼって話をすればいいでしょう? 体重が120ポンド(54.4kg)あった幼稚園の頃でしょうか? 168ポンド(76.2kg)あった小学校4年生の頃でしょうか? 高校1年生のときには、体重計の針は249ポンド(112.9kg)を指していました。学校の廊下で、同級生たちから「ジャバ・ザ・ハット!」(映画『スター・ウォーズ』に登場する巨大な怪物)などとはやしたてられ、辛く屈辱的な思いをしていました。

泣きながら家に帰る日々が続き、すっかり学校嫌いになりました。体育の時間を欠席する許可をとるために、両親の筆跡を真似してサインをしたりもしました。心の痛みをいやしてくれるのは、食べものと芸術に対する関心だけでした。私は想像力を駆使して、自分の理想の体を絵に描きました。その頃 、身長はすでに5フィート10.5インチ(約178cm)あったので、体重を減らすことができれば素晴らしい体になれると思いました。引き締まった体を手にするための長い旅は、このとき始まったのです。










1. Cox JL., Holden JM: Sagovsky R: Detection of postnatal depression. Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Brit J Psychiat, 150: 782-786. 1987
2. Cox JL., Holden JM (eds.): Perinatal Psychiatry: Use and Misuse of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. London: Gaskell. 1994
3. 蟯。驥守ヲ取イサ、譚醍伐逵溽炊蟄、蠅怜慍閨。蟄蝉サ:譌・譛ャ迚医お繧ク繝ウ繝舌Λ逕」蠕後≧縺、逞隱ソ譟サ逾ィ(EPDS)縺ョ菫。鬆シ諤ァ縺ィ螯・蠖捺ァ、邊セ逾樒ァ題ィコ譁ュ蟄ヲ、7: 523-533. 1996
4. Cox JL, Holden JM: Perinatal Mental Health: A Guide to the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. London: Gaskell, 2003 蟯。驥守ヲ取イサ、螳礼伐閨。 險ウ:蜻ィ逕」譛溘。繝ウ繧ソ繝ォ繝倥Ν繧ケ-EPDS縺ョ繧ャ繧、繝峨ヶ繝.(蜊ー蛻キ荳ュ) 蜊怜アア蝣
5. Cooper PJ, Murray L: Course and recurrence of postnatal depression. Evidence for the specificity of the diagnostic concept. Br J Psychiatry 1995;166:191-5
6. 蟯。驥守ヲ取イサ:逕」蠕後≧縺、逞縺ッ繝槭う繝翫医Λ繝悶Ν縺? 蜻ィ逕」譛溷現蟄ヲ.32: 31-34, 2002.


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各州の党員集会では、党員たちは各候補者に直接投票するのではなく、8月の党大会で実際に候補者に直接投票する代議員を選出し ます。これらの代議員は、あらかじめ党大会でどの候補に投票するか宣言しているので、各州の党員集会では、候補者たちは自分を支持してくれる代議員をより多く獲得することを目指します。最終的に、党大会の代議員による投票で、過半数を獲得した候補が、正式に大統領候補として指名されるというわけです。

現在、共和党予備選のレースを走っている主な候補者は、ミット・ロムニー氏(元マサチューセッツ州知事)、リック・サントーラム氏(元ペンシルバニア州選出上院議員)、ニュート・ギングリッチ氏(元連邦議会下院議長)、そしてロン・ポール氏(テキサス州選出下院議員)の4名です。他にも、特定の州だけで予備選に参加する候補者も数名いますが、獲得代議員数が少ないので、有力な候補とは見なされてい� �せん。



さて、4名の候補者の中で、まだ一度も勝利をしていない候補がロン・ポール氏です。ミネソタ州やニューハンプシャー州では得票数2位、アイオワ州、コロラ ド州などでは3位につけています。獲得代議員数は少ないのですが、他の3人の有力候補の勝るとも劣らぬ精力的な選挙戦を繰り広げています。




[芸術]痛みの文学 21:03







一般医学・健康関連最新情報 P.1 (1~30)                               




31.以降の最新情報は、一般医学・健康関連最新情報 P.2に掲載しております。

30. 健康食品の効能と安全性

日本の国立健康・栄養研究所は、コエンザイムQ10、アガリスク、メシマコブ、サフラン、サメ軟骨、スッポン、納豆など健康食品の素材240種以上につい て、把握出来得る限りの研究論文や実験結果を集め、安全性や有効性などの情報を評価し、データベース化してホームページで公開した。


(解説)健康食品と呼ばれるものの中には、商品化されてブームにまでなるものもあります。 しかし、その効 果や安全性については信頼出来る化学的なリサーチがほとんどされていない場合も少なくありません。 このデータベースは、製造業者・販売業者の宣伝ではな く、校正中立な立場で評価されており、安全性を確認するために有用であると思われます。 高額な健康食品の商品を購入する前に、参考までに確認されては如 何でしょうか。

29. 一般的な鎮痛薬で高血圧のリスクが上昇

ハーバード大学のJohn P. Forman, MD, PhDは、年齢34~77歳の5,000例以上の正看護師に関する詳細な情報を収集した2件の調査に基づく研究により、「タイレノール、アドビル、アリー ブなどの一般的な鎮痛薬が高血圧のリスクを上昇させる」と報告した。

この研究では、イブプロフェン(商品名:Advil, Motrin)、ナプロキセン(商品名:Aleve)および同種薬を一つの区分(NSAIDs)にまとめたが、NSAIDsを使用する女性の80%はイブ プロフェンを服用していた。 研究の結果、「1日あたり400mg以上のNSAIDsの服用により、高血圧のリスクが高齢女性において78%上昇、若年女 性でも60%上昇した」と述べている。 

また、「1日あたり500mg以上のアセトアミノフェン(商品名:タイレノール)の服用では、高血圧のリスクが高齢女性において93%上昇、若年女性でも 99%上昇した」と報告している。 この研究ではアスピリンと女性の高血圧との関連は認められなかった。 しかし、アスピリンを頻繁に服用する女性では血圧が高いという傾向が認められた。

Forman博士は、「米国で最も多く使用されている二つの薬剤であるアセトアミノフェンとNSAIDsは、実質的に高血圧の疾患負荷(Disease burden)に貢献している可能性がある。 この知見は、女性が一般的な鎮痛薬を服用することについて、もう一度よく考えるべきであることを意味している。 個人レベルでは、これらの薬剤は非常に慎重に使用すべきである」と述べている。

Forman, J.P. Hypertension, September 2005, Vol. 46, pp 1-8. からの抜粋)

(解説)この研究について、米国ジョージア州アトランタにあるエモリー循環器センターのリスク削減プログラ ム責任者、Laurence S. Sperling, MDは、WebMDで次のような所見を述べています。 「薬局で購入でき、医師の処方を必要としない薬剤は、我々が考えているほど安全ではないかもしれな い。 特にタイレノールには毒性がないと一般に考えられている。 我々は、定期的に使用する場合、あらゆる薬剤にリスクがあるということを認識しなければ ならない。」 そして、疼痛のある人に対し、「何が正しいかをよく考えなければならない、といつも言っている。 その薬剤よりも安全性の高いものがあれば 素晴らしい。 そのようなものが見つけられない場合、何らかのリスクを受け入れなければならない」と述べています。

米国食品医薬品局 (FDA)は2004年12月23日に、「長期服用で心臓発作の危険が高まると指摘された鎮痛薬セレブレックスとベクストラについて、処方は本当に必要な 場合に限定するよう医師に求める異例の勧告を発表。 鎮痛薬ナプロキセンについても同様の危険性がわかった」と発表した。 これらの鎮痛薬はいずれも非ステロイド系抗炎症剤で、セレブレックスとベクストラは胃腸の副作用が少ない新世代薬「COX-2阻害薬」です。 

2004年9月、米製薬大手メルク社の鎮痛剤バイオックス(COX-2阻害薬)が心臓病発生率を高めるとして自主回収されたが、「バイオックスの副作用で 夫が死亡した」として女性が同社を相手取り起こした裁判で、2005年8月19日、テキサス州地裁はメルク社に総額2億5340万ドル(約280億円)の 支払いを命じる評決を下しました。

ここで理解すべきことは、鎮痛剤など医薬品は基本的に痛みの伝達を阻害することで痛みを感じなくさせるもので、痛みが起こった原因を取り除くものではな く、病気などを治すものではないこと、そして副作用があるということです。 医師も政府(FDA)も安易な鎮痛剤の使用を戒めていますが、では痛みのある 人達はどうすれば良いのでしょうか?

米国政府は、急性腰痛のガイドラインで西洋医学の投薬・手術・理学療法などよりも、「安全・効果的・安価」としてカイロプラクティックを勧めています。  外国政府の研究でも、頚部痛、頭痛など様々な症状に、カイロプラクティックや鍼灸の効果が高いことがわかっています。 また、情報化社会となり、医学情報 を入手することが容易になったことで、知識人や健康志向の人々を中心に、リスクの高い西洋医学を避け代替医療に答えを見出す人が増えています。 調査によ ると、1990年以降、西洋医学の医師への受診数よりも、カイロプラクティックや鍼灸などの安全で効果的な代替医療への通院数が顕著に多くなっています。  

貴方は、手軽さを優先して、痛みや症状を和らげる為に薬と一緒に上記の副作用のリスクも飲みますか? カイロプラクティックや鍼灸など、自然で身体に優しい根本療法を受けますか?

28. 葉酸はアルツハイマー病のリスクを減少させる

カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校のMaria Corrada助教授(神経学)がニュースリリースで発表した研究によると、「葉酸の多い食事は、アルツハイマー病のリスク減少に有益である可能性がある」ということが判った。

研究者らは、アルツハイマー病を罹患していない60歳以上のボランティア579例(女性220例、男性359例)の食事を解析し、9年間追跡してボラン ティアらが摂取した抗酸化ビタミン(E、C、カロテノイド)及びビタミンB群(葉酸、B6及びB12)を含む食品の割合を調べた。 追跡期間に、被験者 57例にアルツハイマー病が出現した。

研究者らは、アルツハイマー病を発症した人の栄養摂取を、アルツハイマー病を発現しなかった人と比較した。 その結果「葉酸の摂取量が高い人ではアルツハ イマー病発症率が約60%低いこと」が判明した。 そして「葉酸摂取量(食事と栄養補助食品)の合計がRDAである400μg以上の高齢者では、アルツハイマー病発症リスクが55%減少する」と発表した。


News release, Alzheimer's Association. Maria Corrada, assistant professor of neurologu, University of California, Irvine News release, American Heart Association. Alzheimer's Society. Linus Pauling Institute. からの抜粋)


葉酸は、心臓病の危険因子であるホモシステインの血中濃度を低下させることが示されており、葉酸およびビタミンB12の血 中濃度減少と共に、高い血中ホモシステイン濃度も脳卒中とアルツハイマー病に関連があるとされています。 しかし、心臓病と脳卒中のリスク減少のために、 全米に普及している葉酸補助食品を摂取することを米国心臓協会(AHA)は勧めていません。 同協会は、果物や野菜を1日当たり最低5単位を含む健康的な バランスのとれた食事を勧めています。

葉酸を豊富に含んだ食品は、青菜、アスパラガス、ブロッコリー、ほうれん草などの緑黄色野菜、豆類、オレンジ、レバー、卵、牛乳などです。 葉酸は主にた んぱく質の合成に必要で、特に赤血球が作られるときに働きますから、葉酸が不足すると貧血になります。 貧血気味の女性は、特に鉄分と葉酸の摂取に気を付 けましょう。 栄養補助食品に頼らず、自然の食材でバランスよく摂取することが大切です。

27. 知能指数(IQ)の高さは人生の幸福感を保証しない

英国エジンバラ大学のAlan J. Gow, PhDらが英国医師会誌に発表した研究によると、1921年生まれのスコットランド人550人を長期間追跡調査し、11歳時と79歳時に知能テストを受 け、さらに「人生の満足度」テストも受けた結果、80歳時点での人生への満足度と、11歳或いは79歳での知能指数(IQ)の高さとの相関関係は統計的に 有意ではなく、知能が幸福とは関係しないことが示された。

知能には、よい仕事を得るための手段となるなどのプラスの面と、より大きな業績を求めてあがくなどのマイナスの面があり、どちらも幸福感に影響を与える が、Gow博士は、「知能以外の多くの要素が幸せかどうかに大きく影響し、知能は単に小さな要素の一つに過ぎない。 結局、年をとったときの幸福感に影響 するのは生活の質(Quality of Life)で、例えば寝たきりで歩き回ることが出来なければ、それが決定的要因になる」と述べている。

British Medical Journal, July 17, 2005. からの抜粋)

(解説)幸せはお金で買えませんが、知能指数(IQ)が高いことも幸せな人生を保証しないことが報告されました。 結局、年をとったときに幸せな人生であるかどうかを左右する大きな要素は「健康であるかどうか」であるということのようです。 健康で食べたいも のが食べられ、自由に動くことが出来てしたいことが出来、趣味などの楽しみが実行出来るかどうか、「生活の質(QOL)」によって決まるということです。

「生活の質(QOL)」を高く維持する為に、そして「健康状態」を維持する為には、病気になってから薬や手術に頼るようなことのないようにしなければなり ません。 何らかの症状のある人は早期治癒のために、現在症状のない人は病気予防のために、予防医学としてのカイロプラクティックや鍼灸(東洋医学)の診 察とケアがお勧めです。 自然で安全なカイロプラクティックや鍼灸の真価は、こういった面でも発揮されます。

26. 記憶と学習に睡眠が有用

ハーバード大学医学部精神科の助教授で、Beth Israel Deaconess病院の睡眠・神経画像研究所の所長であるMatthew Walker, PhDの研究によると、記憶および学習が睡眠によって改善されたことが認められた。


何らかの援助を必要とする人をケアする立場にある人たちは、イネイブリングの罠にはまる危険があります。特に、心身を病む人を世話するパートナー、親、友 人、看護人などは要注意です。適切な援助とイネイブリングの間に線を引くのはなかなか難しいものです。イネイブラーはほんとうは自分の足で立てるはずの人に手を貸してしまいます。




よい子は、常にほかの人のことを第一に考える習慣を見につけています。こんな風には育っていない子どもは、自分の想像力や欲求のおもむくままにふるまう� �いう、もっとも健全な喜びを求めます。


ロッキー山斑点熱の中国語訳 - 中国語辞書 - Weblio日中中日辞典<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.westatic.com/css/cjjc/content.


ブログネタ:コーラはビン、缶、ペット、コップ…なにで飲みたい? 参加中

私はビン 派!









早速、使ってみると、Level 1となった、「弱い口臭を感じる」ということらしい。




















crate training(クレートトレーニング)と、
stay-at-home-alone training(留守番訓練)をがんばっていました。

Vari kennel(バリケン)は苦手みたいだったので、


いつもsoft stool(軟便)か、diarrhea(下痢)です。







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ꂪɂȂȂAʂ̃JVEێʂƍܕpx𒲂ׂāA܂̍łȂ̃JVEێʂvێʂƂ̂ԊȒPł[P]BẼJVEێʂ𒲂ׂĂ݂ƁACĥROOA{̂TOOtBĥPROO܂ł܂܂łBOɂqׂAJVEێʂ̑iEȋjقǍe頏ǂƂ鍜܂B̂Ƃ͒ƐE̗_ƊEY܂ĂB̍ő̃Z[X|Cgue頏ǂ̗\hɋIvłBe頏ǂ̔@\͕GŁAPɃJVEێ悪sċNȂǂƂPȂ̂ł͂ȂBgD\Ă钌ƂƂɐƂȂAZg͂ꗎĂ̂e頏ǂłBe頏ǂ̖CMXl҃PCjXiKanis JAĵ͎悤ɏqׂ[Q]Bu΁AJVEێʂ̑ɂčiȂ邱Ƃ͂ȂA܂\h邱ƂȂvAuXN̏ɃJVEێ߂č܂炻ƂɈӖ͂ȂvƁB


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心肺機能と運動の効果 適度な運動とは


           【心肺機能と運動の効果・・・・・】 --肺・心臓・血管で生きている--
血液の循環によって内臓や筋肉・骨格・細胞、神経その他全てのものが関わりあって人体が維持されています。 血液循環は、生存の基本ともいうべき重要なものです。

1日=70回*60分*24時間=100,800回 一生80年=100,800*365日*80年=2.943.360.000

体中にはり巡らせている人間の血管は、つなぎ合わせると1人分で約10万キロメートル、約地球2周半にもなる長さだということです。 心臓から送り出された血液は血管を通って酸素や栄養素を運んだり老廃物を運んだりしています。この循環を繰り返して 私たちは生きているという訳です。 これが心肺機能といわれるものですが有酸素運動によりこの機能を向上させるとは具体的には

@ 肺での酸素の取り込みを多くする
A 血液を送り出す心臓のポンプ作用を大きくする。
B 血管の中の血液の流れスムーズにする。
C 筋肉での酸素と二酸化炭素とのガス交換をよくする。


遊泳(水泳)などによる有酸素運動で心肺に適度な負荷を加えると、心臓では心筋がしだいに発達して強くなり、また心筋に酸素を 供給している冠状動脈も太くなり、心筋の中の毛細血管の数も増加するので心筋への酸素の供給がよくなります。この結果、 心筋梗塞や狭心症に対して 予防的または治療的に素晴らしい効果を発揮します。 (虚血性心疾患の予防・治療効果)


出典: meddic

epinephrine reversal, adrenaline reversal
  • アドレナリンはα1(血管平滑筋収縮)、α2(血管平滑筋収縮)、β1(収縮力↑)、β2(血管平滑筋の弛緩(骨格筋))受容体に作用する。α受容体が遮断されることで、β受容体への作用が前面に出て末梢血管抵抗の低下、ひいては血圧低下をもたらす。イソプロテレノールと同じような血圧の挙動を示す。


このとき、α1受容体による血管収縮作用の方が強いため、血圧が上昇するのである。 ここで、前もってα1受容体を遮断してアドレナリンを投与すると、β2受容体による血管 拡張作用が表れるため、血圧下降作用を起こす。この現象をアドレナリン反転という。 ...


レギチーン注射液10mg 添付文書
ネコ、イヌによる実験でフェントラミンはアドレナリンによる. 昇圧反応を遮断又は逆転 する。ノルアドレナリンに対する昇圧. 反応に対しても遮断効果を示すが、降圧反応は 起こらない。典. 型的なアドレナリン反転は0.1~1.0mg/kgの静注又は皮下注で ...


クロザリル錠 使用上の注意改訂のお知らせ 2010年3月 -医療関係者向け情報-
ノルアドレナリン (ノルアドレナリン), アドレナリンの作用を反転させ、重篤な血圧 低下を起こすおそ ...



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adrenergic receptor
アドレナリン作動性受容体 adrenoreceptor


受容体 反応 例外
α受容体 興奮 小腸運動:抑制
β受容体 抑制 心臓  :興奮
  • 注:心臓は平滑筋臓器じゃありません。


  • 皮膚や粘膜にはα受容体のみ存在
  • 体のどの部位にどんな受容体があるかはGOO.143-144を参照せよ
epinehrine relaxes the detrusor muscle of the bladder as a result of activation of β receptors and contracts the trigone and shincter muscles owing to its α agonist activity. This can result in hesitancy in trination and may contribute to retention of urine in the bladder. Activation of smooth muscle contractino in the prostate promotes urinary retention.(GOO.246)
膀胱頚部から尿道にはα受容体が分布しており、尿道平滑筋の収縮に関与 (SP.818) (cf.プラゾシン)

シグナル伝達の経路 (GOO.238)

  • 全て7回膜貫通Gタンパク質共役型受容体










両隣の歯を削って支えにしてブリッジをかけた状態 1つ目がブリッジです。失ってしまった歯の両隣の健康な歯を削って、かぶせ物をして、橋をかけます。橋をかけるために、ブリッジと呼ばれている治療法です。ブリッジは固定式になりますので、取り外したり、装置を洗ったりする手間はかかりません。また、しっかりと両隣の歯に固定されているために、モノを食べる際にも、違和感なく、美味しく食べることができます。

しかし、ブリッジにも問題点がいくつかあります。まず、3本分を連続で補うことはできるのですが、5本からは支える歯に負担が大きすぎて、できないということ。次に、両隣の歯で支えますので、一番、奥の歯が抜けてしまうと支える歯がなくなってしまい、ブリッジをかけることができなくなってしまいます。さらに、ブリッ� �も両隣の歯で支えますので、この支えている歯に負担がかかってきます




2.ギターでの即興ライブと、その他の、例えば音源ボックス� ��コンピュータでノイズをするのとでは感情や思考の上で何か違う点や共通点がありますか?

3.コンピュ� �タで曲を作る事は多いですか。コンピュータを表現する道具として、どの様にとらえていますか?表現する上で限界があるものと考えていますか。それとも無限の可能性のあるものととらえていますか。それは何故ですか。

4.創作する時のアイディアはどこか� �、どのような状況の中で出てきますか。
例えば「大劇文」、「RTV-702」、「A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME」の場合。

時にはある一定の時期の総括として。例えば「RTV-702」はその当時テレビ画面の信号を使ってライブをしていた。それで、それをアルバムにして記録として残したいと思ったんだ。あとは、時間の積み重ねとして。例えば「A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME」。これはこの時期自分はずっとギターである雰囲気や幻覚的な音を表現したいと思っていて、絶えずそのアイディアを実現しようとしていた。そしてそれを記録した。「大劇文」もそういう感じだね。


あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、





【アスタキサンチンという食品】_アスタキサンチン || 1.効果(抗酸化作用 活性酸素 心臓) 2.富士フィルム 3.富士化学 4.食品 5.サプリメント 6.鮭 7.副作用ほか


1.アスタキサンチン� ��副作用に注意する











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cheap memory foam mattress | Travel Blog


The material used for creating such toppers, the convoluted foam is viscous and have an elastic tendency when temperature change since this type of foam mattress toppers is temperature sensitive. Most of the convoluted foam mattress topper are light weight and flexible and its egg crate type texture can protect your most delicate body from aches or pains since it support for the body and also make firm mattress softer.
Visco is comparable in structure to latex. Nevertheless the cells become softer with body heat. Cells nearest to your skin become softer more than those inches away. Therefore the support adjusts to each and every contour of your entire body as the micro cells are warmed up.

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Quickly add a header or footer to every sheet in an Excel workbook

November 22, 2011, 10:33 AM PST

Takeaway: You don't have to add a header to every Excel worksheet individually when you can group them first.

Adding a header (or footer) to an Excel sheet is a simple task using Excel's Page Layout view. Adding the same header to several or even all of the sheets in the workbook could mean a lot of repetitive work, unless you group the sheets first.

The first step is to select all the sheets-an easy trick for most Excel users:


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NETGEAR WG511T Super-G Wireless PC Card

Want the fastest-ever untethered access to the Internet from your notebook PC? Then NETGEARs 108 Mbps Wireless PC Card is just what you need. It achieves speeds up to 108 Mbps with Super GTM Technology, providing total mobility as you access your home wireless router, office network, or public hotspots. Even more, it lets you finally enjoy the best in advanced applications, such as video streaming, and at greater range with new antenna technology. NETGEARs Smart Wizard install assistant makes setup so easy, youre ready to go within minutes. 802.11g standard compliance ensures interoperability with existing 802.11b and 802.11g networks. Delivers digital images, videos and MP3 files up to 10x faster than most existing 11b wireless networks - up to 108 Mbps with Super G Technology. New antenna technology permits greater range than available with previous-generation products. Dynamic rate shifting responds to environmental conditions in order to achieve the fastest possible connections. Lets you take your note

Brand: Netgear Model: WG511T Platform: Windows XP Professional Format: CD Original language: English Dimensions: 3.00" h x 1.00" w x 5.00" l, .49 pounds Super-G Wireless PC card improves your wireless speed and range At 108 Mbps, this adapter is up to ten times faster than 802.11b wireless protocol Extends your network coverage up to four times more than standard Wireless-G protocol Keeps your network private with WEP encryption Device measures 2.12 x 0.25 x 4.68 inches(WxHxD)


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Great Lakes Conference on Teaching and Learning – Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

14th February 2012 ()

We are pleased to announce that our 2012 Keynote Speakers will include Terry Doyle (Ferris State University), Punya Mishra (Michigan State University), and Joan Middendorf (Indiana University). Each of our presenters brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in the field of education.

Please take a few moments to view their keynote abstracts and speaker biographies.



Terry Doyle

Professor of Reading
Ferris State University

Speaker Biography

are minority children slipping through no child left behind

The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations « Rochester SAGE – Supporting Advanced & Gifted Education

"While parents of all children who are not in the mainstream do not have an easy time in our society, the fact that 2e children's disabilities mask their giftedness, and their giftedness masks their disabilities, makes it incredibly hard to get the "experts" to listen and to understand that you can't just average the two and say this is an average child." − Joan Affenit

"As we strive to close the achievement gaps between racial and economic groups, we will not succeed if our highest-performing students from lower-income families continue to slip through the cracks. Our failure to help them fulfill their demonstrated potential has significant implications for the social mobility of America's lower-income families and the strength of our economy and society as a whole."  – Joshua Wyner, Achievement Trap

"The soft bigotry of low expectations"  This famous line of President George W. Bush supporting the passage of No Child Left Behind resounds today as states still struggle to get every school and every child to meet minimum academic standards.  But as states strive to improve urban schools, I have to wonder if the government cares that one group of students is still being left behind due to low expectations.  Why are gifted minority, low-income, and learning disabled students still being overlooked?

The National Association for Gifted Children lists 5-7% of students as gifted.   Studies haven't shown vast variance in giftedness between groups based on race, income level, or learning disability.  So why are gifted classrooms full of neurotypical wealthy white children?


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Whats New On TV Tonight? "Greys Anatomy", "Rob", "NY Ink", "Person Of Interest", "Jersey Shore" & "Project Runway"

Eastern – National Listings (change location/provider)

8 pm Eastern

30 Rock | NBC  Hey, Baby, What's Wrong

Liz and Criss decide to celebrate Valentine's Day, but purchasing a new dinner table is first on their agenda. Meanwhile, Jack spends time with his mother-in-law; Jenna anticipates her first live performance on "America's Kidz Got Singing"; and Lutz seeks a special person for Valentine's Day.

American Idol | FOX  Hollywood Round, Part 2

The Hollywood Round continues.

My First Place | HGTV  Competing Against a Cash Bid

A Pittsburgh couple who keep getting outbid by cash buyers develop a new strategy.

NBA Basketball: Lakers at Celtics | TNT  Lakers at Celtics

Los Angeles Lakers at Boston. Under new coach Mike Brown, L.A. bids for its fourth straight regular-season win in Beantown. The visitor took both meetings last season, with Kobe Bryant (32 ppg) and Paul Pierce (23.5) leading the scoring.

The Big Bang Theory | CBS  The Vacation Solution

Sheldon takes it easy by working with Amy at her neurobiology lab after the university orders him to take a vacation. Meanwhile, Howard gets worked up when Bernadette suggests they sign a prenuptial agreement.

The This Old House Hour | PBS  Barrington Project

The Barrington, R.I., project continues with the installation of windows and architectural shingles. Also: a visit to the Hurricane Research Lab at the University of Florida. In the second half: installing a recirculation pump; fixing the handle on a casement window; lining a chimney.

The Vampire Diaries | CW  Dangerous Liaisons

Elena attends a formal ball at Klaus' newly renovated mansion and learns of a horrifying plan that could lead to numerous deaths.

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Design Team Leader – Curtain Walling

ATG Architect – Retail / eCommerce / eBusiness

about 1 hour ago - No comments

Anson McCade Ltd – IT and Finance Recruitment – London – Senior ATG Architect The retail practice of a of o ne of the world's largest IT companies is looking to recruit two ATG Technical / Solutions Architects to be based in the heart of London. You will be working in a strategic integration group so there is a very good career path ah

Infrastructure Technical Architect – London

about 1 hour ago - No comments

Rullion Computer Personnel Ltd – London – Infrastructure Technical Architect – London Infrastructure Technical Architect required by leading global digital/new media organisation. The role is based in London but overseas travel will be required.

PR Senior AE / Account Manager – Fashion & Lifestyle PR

about 6 hours ago - No comments


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Giving Horse Show Ribbons a Higher Purpose

Amy Ratcliff, age 29, is at SIRE Therapeutic Riding Center in Hockley, Texas when she receives two ribbons through the Ribbon Recycling Program.| Photo by Sue Copeland

Sometimes all it takes to make a difference is an idea and one determined person. That's the case with Ribbon Recycling, a program that takes in used horse show ribbons and gives them out to riders at therapeutic riding centers. I talked with the woman behind the brilliant program, Sue Copeland, and she explained how it all started and why she does it.

Amy:  How did this get started?

Sue: I'd noticed ribbons tossed in the dirt at local and national-level horse shows for years. It seemed such a waste. Having donated horse books, magazines, and equipment to local therapeutic riding programs, I wondered if they'd be interested in "used" ribbons.

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Niles ZR-4630 (FG00813) Multizone Receiver, at OneCall.com

Introducing the ZR-4630 Multi-Zone Receiver from Niles. It`s the perfect blend of simplicity, automation and value that you have been asking for. The ZR-4630`s integrated 12 channel amplifier distributes its built-in AM/FM tuner and up to three additional sources to six stereo listening zones. It combines with keypads, IR Sensors and hand-held remotes to deliver complete control of your home entertainment system. Because all the IR codes are programmed and stored in the ZR-4630, installation time is dramatically reduced.

The Total One Box Solution. Introducing the multizone receiver only Niles could bring to market. Easy to program. Easy to install. Easy to use. All in a single attractive package. The ZR-4630 opens vast new opportunities for distributed sound applications. There is no longer a need for switchers, amplifiers and ifrared routing/distribution system. You no longer have to have a mountain of equipment. All you need is the ZR4630 and a Solo Key Pad(TM) in each room you want music.

Multi-Zone/Multi-Source Control. The ZR-4630 incorporates the latest in matrix-based technology to distribute up to four sources (including the built-in stereo tuner) to six listening zones simultaneously. Dad can listen to his favorite jazz in the den, the kids can enjoy rock `n roll by the pool, while mom relaxes to classical music in the tub.


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Educating Myself on How Search Engines Work

The search tool I have chosen to use is Dogpile. It is a metasearch tool which means that it searches multiple search engines at once, creating what I call a "master list" where multiple databases are displayed together. There are a few features of this kind of search engine, some which make it unique to regular search tools and subject directories.

1. The main feature of this search tool is that it has the ability to search multiple databases and put those in front of the user, rather than making them compare popularity between the separate sites.

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How to prepare for your trip to Italy | Jet Lag Advice, Passports and Keeping Safe

There are many steps you can take prior to leaving that will make your trip more enjoyable and successful. I talked about getting into shape and making sure your feet are taken care of yesterday here. Today I expand on a few more topics.


Although jet lag is just a fact of life with travel, there are many things you can do to minimize the effects.

Courtesy of FunnyCoolStuff.com


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Strategies For Business | Cook M&A Expands Office, Appoints Jordan Benson Vice President, Business Development

January 21, 2012 – 1:58 am

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Cook MA Advisory Services ( www.cookma.com ), a leader n b-side mergers n acquisitions advisory, today announced th appointment f Jordan Benson Vice President, Business Development. Based n Cook MA's Chicago headquarters, Benson assists private equity clients n executing MA investment strategies n advises middle market business owners seeking private equity solutions.

Arnis Kins, President f Cook MA, commented, "W fnh 2011 strong, closing six transactions, n r optimistic w′ll see continued momentum n 2012. Jordan Benson brings strong credentials n shares r commitment t building long-lasting relationships, n h w b n integral rt f r 2012 growth strategy."

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Download Where Does Our Food Come From? (My World)

Where Does Our Food Come From? (My World) book download

Bobbie Kalman

Where does your food come from? - Children Challenging Climate Change Where does your food come. It helps youth understand that the food they find in the grocery store comes from all over the world.. books on the world food. Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System. Where Does Our Food Come. .


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Corporate and business Video Production Tips

A business video are generally a powerful way to reach different and recent customers pertaining to your online video marketing service, products, services and even who you're. Using technology while in the corporate surrounding is not a thing new although the methods and possibilities open today happen to be. A ripped commercial video will be first possiblity to show the modern world exactly what your enterprise could complete and who you're.

Really, it isn't only internet engineering that's increasing up. This appears like a no-brainer but We are always surprised men and women don't see human eye work an agency has conducted before getting them! Watching a example of a firm's work is simplest way to see, truth be told, if they may have any skill.

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WTF! 20-Year-Old Student Who Glitter Bombed Mitt Romney May Get Jail Time!

Can U say EXCESSIVE?!?!?!?

Last week in Minnesota, Mitt Romney was glitter bombed by protestor Robert Erickson, who has previously bombed both Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich.


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Giveaway – Gianni Versace – Final 24: His Final Hours DVD – 2 Winners – Ends 8/22/10

Gianni Versace
Final 24: His Final Hours DVD

MVD Entertainment
Street date 4/20/10
Documentary – 60 minutes

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Health College of Information & Resources

Editor's note: CNN writer Amanda Enayati ponders a thesis of seeking serenity: a query for contentment and life change in stressful times.

(CNN) — That dishes can soothe, revoke highlight and boost your mood is good famous to anyone who has kept a vise hold on a pint of Chunky Monkey during midnight or dived into a low finish of a celebration container of chips during a finish of a day left awry.

In a impolite way, ice cream and chips do paint a fast-track to happiness. A bucket of elementary carbohydrates provides an present lift since carbohydrates trigger a fast recover of serotonin, a mood-elevating "happy hormone." When a mind produces serotonin, we knowledge a relaxing effect.

But a problem with a elementary carb overkill is that it sets off a physiological sequence greeting that wreaks massacre on a body. It also taxes a adrenals, suppresses a defence complement for hours after intake and generally leaves a chairman feeling indolent and off-kilter. And afterwards there's a sugarine crash.

Caffeine is no cure-all either.

"People who are operative a lot and not removing adequate nap mostly strech for that additional crater of coffee since they consider it's going to assistance them. But in existence a caffeine creates things many worse," says Marjorie Nolan, a purebred dietitian. "When you're concerned and stressed out, your physique is already stimulated. Add caffeine, that is a stimulant, on tip of that, and you're environment yourself adult to pile-up and bake a few hours later. Plus, you're dehydrating yourself, that creates we feel even some-more fatigued and stressed. You also finish adult exhausting profitable hormones in a prolonged run."


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Dar Williams – I Am The One Who Will Remember Everything Lyrics

I Am The One Who Will Remember Everything Lyrics by Dar Williams

Send "I Am The One Who Will Remember Everything" Ringtone to your Cell

Oh, what have we here, he must be three or four
Checking out of the booth on his way back to war
And he's not looking for a father or a mother
Just a seven year old brother
On this match line border camp of refugees

I am the one who will remember everything
I am the one who will remember everything

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Trees...and a lightening strike of an old and great..

Today I was on the way to Sheffield Park Gardens (in the sunshine) when I heard on the local radio that one of their trees has been struck by a lightening bolt in the brief winter storm last Thursday night.  It was 26 metres high being the 2nd tallest in the garden and 125 years old - even older than me :D

Whilst the sun shone gloriously all the way to the gardens it went into hiding the minute I got there!!

I must have somehow changed my camera setting to black and white.. hence the first picture.  However, I thought the building looked quite good in B & W... your views?


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Save your kids from ear tubes: try homeopathy first to resolve recurrent ear infections

Daniel was a cute and cuddly 22-month-old boy with big blue eyes and curly sandy blond hair. His mom brought him to me to treat his chronic ear infections, also known as chronic suppurative otitis media. You may have a child like him. His mom was beside herself because he was constantly sick. When they first came to see me, Daniel had already been on 15 rounds of antibiotics and had myringotomy surgery (ear tubs) for treatment of his recurrent ear infections.  Despite this he was still getting frequent ear infections with thick, foul smelling discharge.

Daniel was the kind of kiddo who seemed like he was always getting sick. He caught every "cold" that came around. Every time he would get the slightest sniffle, it would go straight to his ears and he would get smelly, sticky pus drain out of his ears for days. It would never resolve without antibiotics. Treating each individual ear infection with antibiotics was like mopping up the floor with the leaky pipe still pouring out water. The antibiotics didn't make him a healthier child to help him stop getting ear infections. In addition to his tendency to get sick frequently, in his chronic case Daniel was delayed developmentally with walking, dentition, and language/speech.

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Is Newt's moon colony idea out to lunch? - The Arena

This is the lesson of Republican politics today: modesty and self-effacement will get you killed in the primary arena. 

Unless Mitt Romeny can get as low as Newt Gingrich, he will not be able to overtake him.  Newt has a Ph.D and he was not smart enough to get on the ballot in some states, and he is still overtaking the former governor. Speaking of Ph.Ds: anyone notice that not only are few Republicans in Congress coming forward for Gingrich, but also none of his former fellow faculty members are jumping up to give warm remembrances of Newt's time as a colleague in the ivory tower?  Man!  The speaker burns bridges like General Sherman burned through Newt's native Georgia.

Again, what will it take for Republicans to accept Mitt Romney?  As a Democrat, I am beyond perplexed as to why the primary audience across the aisle is rejecting a one-woman man who has made tons of money and then gives it to his church and charities!  The party of faith and family is voting to back Newt Gingrich, a petulant man whose moral compass spins like a centrifuge and is leaving Mitt, the embodiment of their traditional platform, standing at the altar.  And why is Newt surging when everything about his personal and professional life points to oblivion? One thing, folks: self-promotion!


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How Much For Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye treatment has become ever more popular as a means associated with completely enhancing bad vision. It's a fairly secure procedure along with under 1 % associated with sufferers going through severe complications. The outcomes associated with surgery are usually great — approximately eighty in order to ninety eight % associated with sufferers observe this type of designated enhancement within their vision they no more have to put on their own contacts or glasses. But could anyone choose for laser eye surgery?

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Today Prices NETGEAR ReadyNAS NV+ 4-Bay 0TB (Diskless): Electronics

The ReadyNAS NV+ by NETGEAR is a compact and attractive four-bay Network Attached Storage (NAS) device that can easily handle the storage needs of a home or small office. After putting the ReadyNAS NV+ to the test, we have concluded that it is an ideal storage solution for small offices or work groups with limited IT resources that require networked expandable RAID storage and advanced "server" features such as print and media servers, system monitoring with email alerts, and integrated backup management capabilities. (NOTE: This model does not include hard drive disks.)

.caption { font-family: Verdana, Helvetica neue, Arial, serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; } ul.indent { list-style: inside disc; text-indent: -15px; } table.callout { font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 1.3em; } td.think { height: 125px; background: #9DC4D8 url( repeat-x; border-left: 1px solid #999999; border-right: 1px solid #999999; border-bottom: 1px dotted #000000; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 10px; width: 250px; } td.glance { height: 100%; background: #9DC4D8; border-left: 1px solid #999999; border-right: 1px solid #999999; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 10px; width: 250px; } What We Think
Overall Rating:

Pros: Compact design, easy-to-use, built-in RAID capability including X-RAID, provides media streaming for wide variety of devices, excellent online forums for add-ons and support

Cons: Insufficient user manuals, add-on software does not always have complete feature set

At a Glance Capacity: No disks included
Dimensions: 7.9 x 5.2 x 8.7 inches (HxWxD)
Warranty: 5 years

The ReadyNAS NV+ houses four drive bays in one compact, attractive enclosure. View larger. Out of Box Impressions and Design Features
Taking the ReadyNAS NV+ out of the box, we couldn't help but be surprised at how compact and solid feeling the device is. Imparting an air of quality workmanship and sturdy reliability, the NV+ measures a compact 7.9 x 5.2 x 8.7 inches (H x W x D) and is a hefty 10 pounds without the disks installed.

The styling is attractive, with a metallic "cheese-grater" look that is reminiscent of Apple's Mac Pros, a design that also allows for heat dissipation. A door panel opens for easy access to the four drive bays, each of which is on its own tray with an easy-to-load push-button mechanism, making disk installation a cinch.

Below the panel door is a backlit LCD display that shows status info such as the IP address and drive capacity. The power button sits on the upper left of the front face, next to four LEDs that give the status of each hard drive, a USB port, and a button labeled "Backup." The back of the NV+ sports a carrying handle, two USB ports, an Ethernet port, the system reset switch, power connector, cooling fan, and Kensington Lock security hole. Overall, the design is attractive, smartly laid out, and clearly labeled. Unlike many other NAS devices that you want to hide in a corner or in a closet, the ReadyNAS NV+ adds a handsome touch to the work area.

Initial Setup and Configuration
Our test unit had four pre-installed 750 GB hard drives for a total of three terabytes of disk space. The drives are hot-swappable, which means that they can be swapped out one-at-a-time without shutting down the NV+, and which also means that upgrading or replacing the drives–if necessary–will be easy.


studies on the sat why it unfair

Responding to the SAT Essay: We Need Revolution Caused By Discontent | A.T.

Imagine you are a 17-year-old high-school junior who plans to attend college. Take out a piece of paper and a pencil (not a pen). Absolutely no computers are allowed. Read the paragraph below and follow the directions beneath:

Although most peoples goal is to be happy at all times, being constantly satisfied and untroubled can actually prevent people from changing for the better. After all, why go to the trouble of changing if one is content with the ways things are? On the other hand, discontent often motivates people to make necessary changes. What revolution was not caused by widespread discontent? Who among us has not vowed to make a change because we are unhappy with some aspect of our lives?Is discontent often the first step to action?

Now: take 25 minutes to plan and write an essay responding to the final question. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your readings, studies, experience, or observations. You must handwrite your answer.


[25 minutes later]

Done?Now, ask yourself if youd want someone else to read what you just wrote. Do you think a college professor might be inclined to throw your illegibly scrawled, ill-conceived collection of thoughts out the office window? You might find such a judgment unfair and wish to explain that the essay you wrote did not represent your true abilities or potential.

The above writing assignment came from the College Boards ScoreWrite: A Guide for Preparing for the New SAT Essay. An impromptu, timed essay was added to the SAT in 2005. The College Board claims the essay will provide colleges with a reliable indicator of student success and signal to high schools that they need to put increased emphasis on writing instruction.

what assessments can be used to guide instructional planning

The Country's Most Ambitious Digital Learning Project

Educators from coast-to-coast will celebrate the nation's first Digital Learning Day on Wednesday. Amidst the cool technology demonstrations, shiny gadgets, and debates about online learning, it's essential not to overlook the country's most expensive — and perhaps most ambitious — initiative to use digital technology.

Just under 18 months ago, the U.S. Department of Education awarded over $330 million to two state consortia, PARCC and Smarter/Balanced, representing 45 states and the District of Columbia, to design and implement new student assessment systems. Two smaller state consortia, Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) and the National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC), received an additional $67 million to develop new assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The new assessments, offered mostly online, will replace the current state tests given to millions of students each year in reading and math. At the time, Secretary of Education Duncan called these initiatives an "absolute game-changer" and pledged tests of "critical thinking skills and complex student learning that are not just fill-in-the-bubble tests of basic skills." In short, it's an all-out effort to significantly improve one of the weakest — and most despised — aspects of our nation's current educational system.


name of abolitionist who wrote the liberater

The Abolitionist and the Liberator



Frederick Douglass, the black abolitionist of 19th century America and Daniel O'Connell, the Liberator, who led the fight to gain the right to vote for Irish Catholics in 19th century Ireland, have always been two of my heroes.  Most Americans tend to be unaware of the connection between them.

Throughout his life Daniel O'Connell had been an opponent of slavery, and made his sentiments known at every opportunity, calling upon Irish-Americans to attack the "Peculiar Institution".  He was frequently quoted by opponents of slavery in the United States.  While a boy and a slave, Douglass had heard one of his masters curse O'Connell for attacking slavery, and Douglass knew that he must love O'Connell if his master hated him so.  In 1846 Douglass went to Ireland for four months and went on a speaking tour.  O' Connell was seventy-one and had just one more year to live.  Douglass was a mere twenty-eight.  However, a firm friendship quickly sprung up between them.  O'Connell, perhaps the finest orator of a nation known for oratory, heard the eloquent Douglass speak in Dublin and proclaimed him the "Black O'Connell".

The wretched condition of most of the Irish moved and shocked Douglass as this passage he wrote in a letter to William Lloyd Garrison on March 27, 1846 reveals:

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How To Get In Top Condition – Miscellaneous Diet And Fitness Facts You Need To Have

Hype is everywhere. This is just a given. In this modern world, products that work, and that do not work, are sold regardless of whether or not they can help you. More than any other product or service sold today, fitness and diet solutions are often riddled with overhyped empty promises. These products sell because people want to look better physically and feel good too. This means that you will be on the lookout for new methods to help you reach this goal. However, to become more physically fit, you really need to know which products work and which ones do not. Here are some miscellaneous diet and fitness tips that can help you figure out what is true and what is just hype.


who sang somewhere over the rainbow

Just me My Soldier and our 4 little chicks: somewhere over the rainbow

is a little girl who is VERY serious about singing this song.

she sings it all day and all night and even though sometimes it drives me a tad NUTS it also makes me laugh. she's SO stinkin' earnest about it.

here's a post-dinner performance from last week.

note: if kids who sing the same thing over and over are annoying to you, then don't watch the video.

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Best Review - Top 20 Heart Shaped Rings 2012

Valentine's Day is a great time to express your love for someone...Buy gold jewelry for your valentine...And if you are thinking about popping the question, be prepared and buy an engagement ring online...There are beautiful gold and cubic zirconia rings at Amazon... The select rings on this page are heart shaped to show how much you care...You will find some of the best diamond rings on this page that are gorgeous and reasonably priced... There are cubic zirconia gold rings that will please your mom, daughter or wife... Don't forget about your BFF, they would love an extra special gift any day of the year just to let them know how much you appreciate their friendship...My favorite is number 20, which is the number one best choice in your opinion???

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False Doctrines, Bible Codes & Libel/Slander of Barbara Hartwell

re: Sherry Shriner
Wed Dec 10 2003


Barbara Hartwell, I don't even know you. I can't even remember saying anything in the past year negatively about you.

I remember the comment about Kathy, that was about 2 years ago before I learned that Mark Phillips was her handler. I do apologize for that.

I have always been an outsider looking in. I do not fight the same battles you or others do, although I do get drawn into them when people attack Larry Lawson. I have no reason to believe he's anything but a Christian. And he knows himself how far I will or will not go in revealing info I have to the public about anyone. When he asked me to do a Bible code on you and Stew Webb, I did Stew and told Larry that Stew was indeed a believer, but being manipulated. It's in his code, should I lie? I also told Larry that it would behoove him to just ignore Stew and move on to causes instead of people, because Stew was MPD, thus he would be attacking a brother who was being manipulated and not even in full control of what he was doing in the first place. Larry has never taken my advice.


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Happy Australia Day From Not Another New England Sports Blog!

Image: Sailing Anarchy
Good Lord, did I mention how much I happen to LOVE Australia?

Not quite an island, not quite a continent. Despite the distant location and exotic wildlife in Australia, there are some undeniable similarities between our founding and the birth of Australia as a nation. Both were considered somewhat cumbersome backwaters in which the British Crown could dump convicts, unwanted religious groups or other undesirables and both are rich in natural resources, which in turn sparked a westward migration of European immigrants from the already-established cities on the east coast.

It's also worth noting that Australia's Armed forces have fought alongside with their American counterparts in every major war since WWI- so as a veteran of the US Army, that's something that I truly appreciate.

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DVD Recorder – A Few Of The Advantages?

There are actually a number of benefits which the DVD recorder has over all in the remaining recording solutions. You will find a definite benefits it's in the VHS player which may record simply because VHS tapes are getting to be a rarity. One recording procedure out there that even stacks up on the DVD recorder will be the DVR (digital video recorder), just like the TiVos that record right on to a hard drive. Even so, you cannot burn that which you record onto a DVD.


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You Can Buy Facebook Stock Right Now: Mutual Funds

To stay up to date with all news, analysis, and security tips related to Facebook, complete these 2 quick steps:

The possibility that Facebook might register with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a public stock offering as early as Wednesday may make certain mutual funds seem palatable, although it's overly idealistic to expect any upside this way.

The mutual funds that contain Facebook shares have small stakes in them that effectively get offset by the many other investments held in the same basket.


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2 SlimZil Acai Fat Burner Weight Loss Formula Nice Energy, High potency for Fat Burning 120 Capsules includes Acai Hoodia and Green Tea

SEARCH : Which Health Product Will You Get?

The best natural fat burners supplements can free you from the shackles of being dangerously over weight. Obesity is the one of the worse health problems found in the world today including the US. It is is killer disease or health conditions and armies of people are affected by. So what can you do? One of the best methods to fight obesity or any less serious weight problem is by using best natural fat burners supplements.

These pills can help your body burn more fat even as you indulge in your favorite snacks. Although you cannot depend on them completely to solve your weight problems, fat burners supplements go a long way towards helping you lose fat and slim down. Do remember to include fat burners pills in your arsenal of fat fighting weapons!

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Understand The Risk Factors For Colon Melanoma

Colon many forms of cancer is amongst the hardest varieties of varieties of cancer. Learn to recognise chance variables for this and understand your location.

Colon many forms of cancer is considered to be the most dangerous sorts of varieties of cancer that afflicts plenty of folks each and every year. Electronics equipment ? so terrible is the place hard it is for folks to learn the signs or symptoms as well as the ability for doctors to trap it when it's in early stage. When observed too late there is very little to very little that you can do to deal with it.

how to calculating intermittent fmla

Intermittent FMLA Leave Answers and Questions

Intermittent Fmla Leave Questions

Intermittent FMLA leave answers were changed significantly when the new regulations became law in November 2008. More Family Medical Leave questions were created as a result. Understanding how intermittent fmla works under these new guidelines has become a challenge for employers and employees alike.

A lot of states in the U.S. have there own family and medical leave laws. Therefore, every employee should get as many answers to how the new intermittent family medical leave affects their rights. Review this page to learn what Intermittent FMLA means.

The following are intermittent fmla answers to intermittent fmla questions. I will be updating this page as new changes emerge.

Are exempt employees required to use vacation or PTO before FMLA?
My husband needs bed rest for 3 weeks after back surgery. I need to care for our two children. Does FMLA cover this?
How many intermittent FMLA re-certifications can an employer require?
What does "medical necessity" to take intermittent FMLA?
Is there something special the employee has to do to take intermittent FMLA?
When can employees take intermittent FMLA?
I'm exempt, can my boss use intermittent FMLA to dock my pay?
I need therapy after surgery. Can I get intermittent FMLA every second Wednesday?
What's the difference between reduced schedule and intermittent leave?
If my boss thinks I'm abusing intermittent FMLA can she spy on me?
If I have to get re-certification for intermittent FMLA, who pays?
What's the minimum amount I can take each time on intermittent FMLA?
Can my boss transfer me to another position for intermittent FMLA?
Can I take intermittent FMLA for chronic headaches?
Can my boss count my workers' comp part-day work time as Intermittent FMLA?
My boss wants a second medical opinion, who pays for it?
My father resides in an assisted living facility, can I use intermittent FMLA to care for him?
Must I be treated by a health care professional to take intermittent FMLA?
My boss is calling me while I'm on intermittent FMLA, is this legal?
Can my company deny my intermittent FMLA request?
My boss suspects intermittent FMLA abuse from me. Can he ask for re-certification from me and not 6 other co-workers also on intermittent FMLA?
How is my intermittent FMLA time calculated?
I'm coming off intermittent FMLA and can't do my job, what happens now?
I have a degenerative back condition. I have 1 or 2 "attacks" every six months that requires bed rest. Do I qualify for intermittent FMLA?
My boss thinks my intermittent FMLA certification form is a fake, what do I do?


my angle fish are sinking

My Angel fish has SINKING Problem!!

it still sounds like a swim bladder issue to me. Google swim bladder infection or disease. There are a number if possible causes and they are not all treated in the same way. The pea method is a treatment for a few of the causes, most of which boil down to over feeding or constipation. Since it has been a week and the angel won't/can't eat at this point I would try to treat for the next most likely cause. In a week constipation or over feeding would have probably flushed its way through the angels system.

As for your tank perimeters, I think the temperature is a little high but although it could possibly have made the angel more susceptible I do not think it was the cause. I believe the recommended temp is 25 and have read that higher temps can shorten the life span of Angels.


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Secrets to Success with DIY Home Improvement

We do not care why you are interested in because regardless of the reason you will be sure to be able to find what you need to know. We were in your shoes once, and the simple fact is we had a very compelling reason to discover more about it.

Who knows, maybe you would prefer to learn a little and then seek the assistance of others, perhaps more directly. One thing about our approach is that we prefer to learn what we need to know so there is not any kind of need for anyone else.

The items that you are about to read about are all taken from experience; not only ours but many others as well.

It is apparent and obvious that you have to do what is in your best interest, and of course we all understand that.

Setting up for a DIY home improvement project can be exhilarating. You can hope for a spectacular looking home within a few months, whether you are building a deck, putting in new flooring or painting your home. Before you start, however, you should be positive that you have made proper arrangements so that everything will turn out the way you intended.